The Cell discoverer is a high-end imaging fully integrated system offering a range of incubation and detection choices. The Zeiss CD7 combines traditional inverted microscope picture quality and flexibility with the user-friendly automation of a boxed microscope. Celldiscoverer 7 adjusts the optics automatically, calibrates itself, and detects and focuses your samples. The CD7 embodies the ZEISS LSM 900 with Airyscan 2 for confocal imaging and a fast wide-field camera based system for three-dimensional sample visualization. It allows live cell imaging of 2D or 3D cell culture – full climate chamber (20-42°C and CO2). It is equipped with a XY Motor allowing the use of a large variety of sample holders such as multi well plates (4-396), slides, 35 mm dishes, with the possibility to perform multipositional time series and tiled scans. Its 32 channel spectral scanning can be used for fast, multicolor imaging. The system is driven by the Zeiss Zen Blue 3.4 software.
A joint Network for scientific Imaging and Image Analysis Infrastructure
Phone: +49 761 203 2934
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