3rd MIAP BioImage Analysis Workshop

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3rd MIAP BioImage Analysis Workshop

28th – 29th June 2017

at the Center for Biological Systems Analysis (ZBSA) Freiburg University


Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP), Freiburg
Life Imaging Center (LIC) at the Center for biological Systems Analysis (ZBSA), Freiburg
Stefan Helfrich (BIC)

About the workshop:

Aim of this course is to improve the basic  knowledge in digital image processing using ImageJ as well as some instructions on ethics and rules in scientific image processing.
In practical session you will perform some basic tutorials like spot counting. You will get to know the macro language of ImageJ with some basic tutorials and hands-on.

The registration fee of 50€ covers finger food and refreshments.

Further information and the program will follow soon

Online registration is openJust register here!

Workshop Details

September 24th – 26th 2019