2nd BioImage Analysis Workshop

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The 2nd MIAP Bioimage Analysis Workshop intends to provide life scientists without advanced knowledge in image analysis an introduction into basic and state-of-the-art concepts of digital image processing using ImageJ/Fiji. This course will be designed for a small group of about 10 people in order to be well and individually trained. The course will cover object segmentation, counting, feature extraction and colocalization. The aim is to provide the participants a portfolio of knowledge and solutions for basic bioimage analysis tasks.


  • ImageJ/Fiji (http://imagej.net / http://imagej.net/Development / https://fiji.sc) represent the most widespread image analysis tools which are supported by a world-wide developer and user community. The open-source software is designed for scientific multi-dimensional images and is highly extensible, with thousands of plugins and scripts for performing a wide variety of tasks.


Workshop Details

April 25th – 27th 2017