Workshop Material

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How to get your workshop material:

Thank you that you participated or considering participating in a MIAP workshop. For many workshops we provide additional course material. In some cases we also provide additional course material containing data from the actual workshop. This includes scripts, presentations, hand-outs, learning material, gathered data, analysis and more. However due to copyright and privacy reasons we can’t provide any course material to the public. Furthermore you are not allowed to distribute, publish or forward any of the material provided. The workshop material is for your personal use only. Links within the protected area are only valid for 15 minutes. Links will get regenerated (new link) every time when you come back to the protected area.

Please note: Although, you can login with your general Freiburg University RZ account (which is required to access other internal parts of this website), you CAN’T access the workshop material with a RZ account. To access the workshop material, you need to use the workshop account information we provided.

There are three possibilities to get your additional workshop material:

1. In case we provide additional workshop material which we want you to get BEFORE the workshop, you will receive the required credentials with your workshop acceptance e-mail.

2. In case we provide additional workshop material AFTER the workshop, including actual course material/data, we will send you an e-mail including the credentials after the workshop.

3. You can directly contact the MIAP organizers ( or your workshop instructor(s)/teacher(s) if you need additional material or help accessing them.

After you successfully authenticated with a MIAP workshop account (login box at the top-right corner of this page) – you can access the workshop material at the top of this section.