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LaVision BioTec offers lightsheet and multiphoton microscopes

Leica Microsystems offers various microscopes from stereo to digital microscopy and all the way up to super-resolution, as well as sample preparation solutions for electron microscopy

Nikon Microscope Solutions is focused on serving customers in research, biotech/pharma, the clinical laboratory, and education with industry leading microscope-based imaging solutions

Nikon MicroscopyU is an educational site of Nikon

Olympus Scientific Solutions is now Evident

Olympus Microscopy Resource Center is an educational site of Olympus

VisiTech international provides high quality innovative imaging instrumentation and associated peripherals to the Life Sciences and Materials Sciences communities. 

Carl Zeiss Microscopy is a major manufacturer of microscope systems and offers solutions for biomedical research, healthcare, materials research and the high-tech industry.

Experimental guidelines

Useful software

Fiji is an image processing package — a “batteries-included” distribution of ImageJ, bundling many plugins which facilitate scientific image analysis

ImageJ (McMaster Biophotonics Facility)

IrfanView is a viewer for images.

VideoMach is an easy and powerful moviemaker.


You need to register to get access to software downloads and online learning.

User groups

Microscopy ListServer is a Email based discussion forum giving members of the scientific community a centralized Internet address to which questions/comments/answers in the various fields of Microscopy or Microanalysis can be rapidly distributed to a list of (subscribed) individuals by electronic mail.

Imaging chambers

Greiner Bio-One International GmbH focuses on the development, production and distribution of plastics for laboratory supplies.

ibidi is a leading supplier for functional cell-based assays and advanced products for cellular microscopy.

MatTek dishes have been the industry standard for cell culture and spectacular imaging for nearly 30 years. Experience the optics of glass in a Petri dish.

Willco Wells dishes design insures a flat coverslip for optimal imaging.

Zell-kontakt develops and produces cell culture and laboratory products for modern imaging and microscopy methods.


Fluorescence Protein Guide (addgene) is a searchable database for fluorescent proteins.

BD Spectrum Viewer (BD Biosciences) is a tool that depicts the excitation and emission curves of fluorochromes common to flow cytometry.

Fluorescence Spectra Analyzer (BioLegend) is a searchable database for fluorescence spectra analyzers.

Spectra Viewer (Chroma) is a searchable database for the spectra of optical filters.

FPbase is a searchable database for proteins.

µList is a searchable database of resources for light microscopists.

Spectra viewer (MPI for Brain Research)

Fluorescence Spectra Viewer (ThermoFisher Scientific) is a searchable database for spectra of flourofores.

Spectra Database (University of Arizona)

Filter, Objective and Camera Assistants

Two-photon action cross sections (Zipfel Lab, Cornell University)