1st Bioimage Analysis Workshop

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The 1st MIAP Bioimage Analysis Workshop intends to provide life scientists without advanced knowledge in image analysis an introduction into basic and state-of-the-art concepts of digital image processing using ImageJ/Fiji and the integrative software platform KNIME. The course will cover object segmentation, counting, feature extraction and colocalization. The aim is to provide the participants a portfolio of knowledge and solutions for basic bioimage analysis tasks.

  • ImageJ/Fiji (http://imagej.net / http://imagej.net/Development / https://fiji.sc) represent the most widespread image analysis tools which are supported by a world-wide developer and user community. The open-source software is designed for scientific multi-dimensional images and is highly extensible, with thousands of plugins and scripts for performing a wide variety of tasks.
  • KNIME (http://www.knime.org) represents a large integrative open-source data mining platform featuring a user friendly graphical interface which enables basic users to design workflows for data analysis in a highly efficient manner. The KNIME Image Processing extension KNIP (http://tech.knime.org/community/image-processing) provides integrations of ImageJ/ImageJ2 and others, thus comprising functionalities as offered by the integrated tools in addition to the functionality inherited from KNIME itself.

Workshop Details

January 31st 2017 – February 2nd 2017