LIC – Statistics & Publications

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Statistics & Publications

DFG Call for “Core Facilities and Networks 2015”

The LIC was successful in the  DFG Call for “Core Facilities and Networks 2015” Freiburg has been awarded a grant over three years  for realization of the Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform Freiburg (MIAP-Freiburg).

MIAP-Freiburg will establish a series of interdisciplinary seminars and workshops covering in great depth special topics in microscopy and related fields. The activities, which are arranged as a cooperation of academia and industry, are targeted towards scientific users of microscopical techniques in the life and material sciences, computer scientists in the area of image analysis and software development, engineers and physicists from basic research, instrument developers in the whole area of microscopy and finally staff from imaging facilities world-wide.

Moreover the LIC application as an “Advanced Light Microscopy Multi Modal Single Sited Node” within EuroBioImaging was excellently reviewed by an independent International Evaluation Board and received the final ranking: Highly Recommended Expression of Interest for Euro-BioImaging Node.

The LIC is listed in the database Research Infrastructure Portal: RIsources of the German Research Foundation (DFG). For more details see here.

Publications with LIC infrastructure

Overview of scientific publications from research groups done by using LIC infrastructure and support

The chart is dynamically updated during our accounting procedures and therefore reflects the most recent publication statistics of the LIC facility.

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Latest LIC User Statistics

We are happy to share the latest user statistics of the LIC facility within the MIAP framework. The charts are dynamically updated during our accounting procedures and therefore reflect the most recent user statistics of LIC.

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