The LIC Freiburg together with the BIC Konstanz is a national contact point for German BioImaging. Find more about German BioImaging at
QUAREP-LiMi is a group of enthusiastic light microscopists from academia and industry all interested in improving quality assessment (QA) and quality control (QC) in light microscopy. Find more information at
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Networking and Partnerships
In the cluster of excellence – Centre for biological signaling studies (BIOSS) we are extending our – beyond imaging – expertise in several joint projects with the Faculty of Engineering. The projects with the Department of computer sciences – division of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing and the Department of Microsystems Engineering – Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Photonics finally aim for a new microscopic tool we named 4D analyzer.
LIC has longstanding partnerships with companies in the imaging field. With Carl Zeiss Microscopy the development of confocal and widefield microscope hard- and software (> 15 year). More than 5 major projects: AOTF in confocal microscopy, LSM 510 software and hardware, AxioObserver, AxioImager, SPIMicroscopy, Stitching and HDR imaging, InTune Laser, Alpha- and beta-test site for Zeiss. With IBIDI development of microscope chambers for long term culture and perfusion (> 4 years).
LIC is member of the following initiatives and organizations: European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI).
Other Microscope Imaging Sites in Freiburg:
- Lighthouse Core Facility in ZTZ and IMITATE (Head: M. Follo)
- Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Photonics (Rohrbach lab)
- Imaging Core Facility Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) (Head: S. Avilov)
Membership and Facilities
Biological signalling processes are the key regulators of cellular activity in all types of cells in living organisms. A better understanding of these processes not only provides solutions to important biological problems, but also has a major impact on medical research and practice. The BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies in Freiburg uses modern analytical methods and strategies of synthetic biology to study biological signallingprocesses in a creative and playful way.
The “Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM)” offers a dynamic interdisciplinary training program that prepares students for future scientific challenges. Its ultimate goal is to create a top notch “Life Scientist of the Future” who can assimilate knowledge and techniques from various disciplines as well as combine basic with translational research, biotechnology and drug development.
The ZBSA is the first research center in Germany to combine, in one institute, systems biological data acquisition in the research fields of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, life imaging and modeling. The research facilities’ building was built by the federal state of Baden-Würtemberg as a component of the competitive tender “Centers of Life Sciences”, at the University of Freiburg.
Cooperating Research Groups
within the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg:
outside the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg:
I3D:bio :
- Center for Advanced Imaging, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (apl. Prof. Dr. Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters)
- DKFZ Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Elisa May)
- Integrated Bioimaging Facility iBiOs, Osnabrück University (Dr. Susanne Kunis)

The LIC Freiburg together with the BIC Konstanz is a national contact point for German BioImaging. Find more about German BioImaging at
Networking and Partnerships
In the cluster of excellence – Centre for biological signaling studies (BIOSS) we are extending our – beyond imaging – expertise in several joint projects with the Faculty of Engineering. The projects with the Department of computer sciences – division of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing and the Department of Microsystems Engineering – Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Photonics finally aim for a new microscopic tool we named 4D analyzer.
LIC has longstanding partnerships with companies in the imaging field. With Carl Zeiss Microscopy the development of confocal and widefield microscope hard- and software (> 15 year). More than 5 major projects: AOTF in confocal microscopy, LSM 510 software and hardware, AxioObserver, AxioImager, SPIMicroscopy, Stitching and HDR imaging, InTune Laser, Alpha- and beta-test site for Zeiss. With IBIDI development of microscope chambers for long term culture and perfusion (> 4 years).
LIC is member of the following initiatives and organizations: European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI).
Other Microscope Imaging Sites in Freiburg:
- Lighthouse Core Facility in ZTZ and IMITATE (Head: M. Follo)
- Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Photonics (Rohrbach lab)
- Imaging Core Facility Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) (Head: S. Avilov)
Biological signalling processes are the key regulators of cellular activity in all types of cells in living organisms. A better understanding of these processes not only provides solutions to important biological problems, but also has a major impact on medical research and practice. The BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies in Freiburg uses modern analytical methods and strategies of synthetic biology to study biological signallingprocesses in a creative and playful way.
The “Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM)” offers a dynamic interdisciplinary training program that prepares students for future scientific challenges. Its ultimate goal is to create a top notch “Life Scientist of the Future” who can assimilate knowledge and techniques from various disciplines as well as combine basic with translational research, biotechnology and drug development.
The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies is the international research college of the University of Freiburg. As an integral part of the university, the Institute unites the humanities and social sciences as well as medicine, the natural sciences and engineering.
Biological signalling research addresses the communication processes that are fundamental to life and health. It explores how cells react to diverse conditions and cues, and how they communicate with one another to orchestrate the development and function of the organism – whether it be a human, animal or plant.
To achieve a holistic understanding of cellular signalling processes across the full spectrum of biological scales, CIBSS is pioneering a new approach that will advance the frontiers of signalling research.
Cooperating Research Groups
within the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg:
outside the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg:
I3D:bio :
- Center for Advanced Imaging, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (apl. Prof. Dr. Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters)
- DKFZ Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Elisa May)
- Integrated Bioimaging Facility iBiOs, Osnabrück University (Dr. Susanne Kunis)
QUAREP-LiMi is a group of enthusiastic light microscopists from academia and industry all interested in improving quality assessment (QA) and quality control (QC) in light microscopy. Find more information at