LIC – Application & Booking

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Application & Booking
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If the form below does not work use this link instead.

The usage conditions and rules of the LIC apply to all users. Please download and carefully read the LIC user agreement. You are accepting the conditions of the user agreement with your submission of the application documents.
Please note: In addition to the application form the user agreement has to be signed too.

If you have any questions regarding the user agreement, don’t hesitate to contact the LIC user service

You’ll need a valid IT account (RZ Account) to work at the LIC facility. The RZ account also includes your institutional e-mail address. How to get your account depends on your status at the university.

a) enrolled as undergraduate student (bachelor/master)

Students are not required to file any additional forms. All students automatically receive their RZ account upon enrollment.

b) Employees of the University

Employees can register for a RZ Account on the myAccount page with start of their contract or at any later time-point. Please keep in mind that the creation will take approx. one week. Your inital account data will be sent to your institutional address.

c) Guests

All other user groups (including members of the university clinics) count as guests. As a guest you can apply for a RZ account only with institutional support. The list “Berechtigungskonzept” shows if you can get a RZ account or not. if you can get an account, you have to use the form “Registrierung für einen Uni-Account”.

Depending on your status at the University you can apply for different kinds of id cards (Unicard). You can find some general information on this page.

a) enrolled as undergraduate student (bachelor/master)

Students are not required to file any additional forms. All students automatically receive an Unicard upon enrollment at the start of their studies, which can be used to access our facility. You have to submit your id number (“UB-Konto” number) with the application sheet. If for any reasons you get your id card at a later time-point, just write an e-mail to the LIC user service Please keep in mind that granting access can take 1-2 working days.

b) Ph.D. students

Ph.D. students can enroll as students at the university to get access to all the student related services. For Ph.D. students enrolled at the university the same rules and conditions as for “a) enrolled as undergraduate student (bachelor/master)” apply. For Ph.D. students not enrolled at the university the same rules and conditions as for “f) guests” apply.

c) Employees of the University

Employees have to fill out form P011 “Antrag auf Ausstellung einer Unicard”. You can either do it at the start of your contract together with all other forms or at any later time-point.

Please keep in mind that applying for a new unicard might take up to 1 week. If for any reasons you get your unicard after you applied for the LIC facility, just write an e-mail to the LIC user service Please keep in mind that granting access can take additional 1-2 working days.

d) Employees of the medical faculty / “Vorklinik”

Employees of the medical faculty / Vorklinik can get a personal unicard guest card (free of charge). You can get more information on this info page. In this case please write an e-mail at, describing your status and you’ll get further instructions and information on how to get your new unicard.

e) Employees of “Universitätsklinikum”

Employees of the clinics (Universitätsklinikum) have to apply for a unicard guest card. You can get more information on this info page. Unfortunately you’ll have to pay a 10,00 € fee. In this case please write an e-mail at, describing your status and you’ll get further instructions and information on how to get your new unicard.

f) Guests 

Guests without a contract at the university have to apply for a unicard guest card. You can get more information on this info page. Please use this form to apply for a guest card. Unfortunately you’ll have to pay a 10,00 € fee. In this case please write an e-mail at, describing your status and you’ll get further instructions and information on how to get your new unicard.

After you applied as a user for the LIC facility the LIC team will contact you for a first meeting – the microscope introduction. We will also set-up your user account for the LIC facility. Please keep in mind that the introduction, depending on the microscope, the set-up and your experiment can be time-consuming. You can contact our facility team at at any time. This e-mail address will reach all facility staff members.

The operation, maintenance, future grant applications and positive evaluation of core facilities heavily depend on proper acknowledgement and recognition in publications. Every facility user publishing data is kindly asked to give the LIC proper acknowledgment. In the linked PDF you can find some general guidelines and examples.

LIC Domain user accounts in the ZBSA domain have a strict password policy in place. For this reason you have to renew / change your password on a regular basis because passwords will expire after 180 days. If you log-in on our LIC computers you will get a prompt in advance. If you only use services like the booking calendar or any other remote authentication against the ZBSA/LIC domain you won’t get any prompt at all.

Since your user account is also bound to our facility booking system (and other services), you can’t book any equipment or access any of our data storage and computers once your password expired. Due to our security policy you can’t change your password within the booking calendar or any other authentication service. The good news is: You can change your password on any LIC computer at any time, even if it is already expired.

We set-up a new system for our users which allows them to change their password remotely. You can use the following link (please check the How-To guide first) to renew your password remotely. Please note: For security reasons this will only work within the network of Freiburg University and in some cases the Universitätsklinikum Freiburg. For external access, like for many other internal services, you have to use a VPN client to connect to the university network (eduroam) first (see VPN access).

Please note:

Due to security restrictions within the network of the Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, you might not be able to access the remote service at the LIC facility. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this issue, since connections are blocked by the firewall of the Universitätsklinikum. In some cases you can bypass the restrictions by establishing a VPN (eduroam) connection to the internal network of Freiburg University first.

How to reactivate a LIC account (expired password)

Download direct RDP-Link to reactivate your LIC Account