Nikon AZ100

Home / Nikon AZ100

Nikon AZ100 Multizoom

Equipment type: Light microscopy

  • The AZ100 macro zoom microscope system allows observation of large specimens, with magnifications that can be continuously switched from single cell to macroscopic observation covering a magnification range of 5x to 400x.
  • The dedicated stands combine two focuses, one with a 85-mm stroke on the column side and one with a 10-mm stroke on the front stage, enabling of observation of tall samples (up to 85.5mm).
  • The microscope can be equipped with a C2 confocal scanning unit with three laser lines for macro confocal image capture and deep confocal imaging of (in-vivo) whole specimens.


Room 00.017
Phone: +49 761 203-97122
Life Imaging Center

Contact Specialist

Usage Fee

12 € / hour
Special discounts might be applicable.
We may charge you for additional components.
For details check our  usage fee overview or
the usage conditions document.


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