Milestones 2017

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Goals of MIAP

Scientific Infrastructure | Microscopy and Imaging Expertise | Project Planning & Monitoring | Staff Education | User Training

The Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP) Freiburg, was founded in 2016 during the DFG call “Gerätezentren – Core facilities” to form a highly competitive joint network for scientific infrastructure of imaging based life science sites in Freiburg, Basel and Strasbourg. As competitive and advanced technology platform, MIAP is embedded in the “Forschungsinfrastrukturen” of Freiburg University.

About MIAP
General Information
Milestone 2017
Workshop Statisitcs 2017
Future Milestones
Nex milestones coming soon

In collaboration with our MIAP partner facilities and our external partners from academia and industry, MIAP provided professional training and education on latest developments in dedicated hard- and software topics. Our workshop portfolio 2017 focused on the topics microscopy and image analysis with experts from academia and industry sharing their knowledge.

We have some amazing workshops planned for 2018. We will host some favorite high-demand workshops, like ImageJ/Fiji training (basic/advanced) again throughout the year to cover the need for image analysis expertise, especially among (young) researchers. We will also host new workshops to cover hot topics and new developments in the field. We would be more than happy to welcome you to one of our workshops in 2018 at our facility locations in Freiburg, Basel or Strasbourg.

Workshop Statistic 2017

In 2017 alone, 16 events were held. Major topics were “Microscopy”, “Image Analysis” and “Special Software”. In 2017, MIAP welcomed 268 workshop attendees from all around the globe. We also conducted an event for kids, our future researchers in the field: the Maustag 2017. We opened our facility for 40 kids (and parents) to get a glimpse on scientific infrastructure and environment in the field of microscopy and life science.