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Goals of MIAP

Scientific Infrastructure | Microscopy and Imaging Expertise | Project Planning & Monitoring | Staff Education | User Training

The Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP) Freiburg, was founded in 2016 during the DFG call “Gerätezentren – Core facilities” to form a highly competitive joint network for scientific infrastructure of imaging based life science sites in Freiburg, Basel and Strasbourg. As competitive and advanced technology platform, MIAP is embedded in the “Forschungsinfrastrukturen” of Freiburg University.

About MIAP
General Information
Milestone 2017
Workshop Statisitcs 2017
Future Milestones
Nex milestones coming soon

The Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP) Freiburg, was founded in 2016 to form a highly competitive joint network for scientific infrastructure of imaging based life science sites in Freiburg, Basel and Strasbourg. Besides managing and providing access to advanced microscopy and image analysis resources, MIAP closely interacts with user and developer:

  • to identify actual needs and integrate novel technologies
  • to keep pace with progress in imaging, data management and data analysis
  • to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation in the life science sector

The complexity of biological assays in combination with a wide variety of advanced imaging and image analysis tools challenges life scientists to choose the appropriate technique for their individual application. As integrative platform, MIAP supports life scientists to identify resources and to pipeline experiment workflows alongside the biological objectives. Further, guidelines for user instruction, training, project planning and monitoring as well as regular series of workshops and seminars on different levels in microscopy, image analysis and related fields are elaborated. In addition, MIAP establishes standardized staff training to share knowledge for advanced technological environments and to enable an easy transfer of users within different MIAP sites.

MIAP is established in close collaboration with networks like EuroBioimaging, German Bioimaging and NEUBIAS. Further, MIAP supports and enhances the cooperation of national and international partners from academia and industry.

DFG Funding

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (, German Research Foundation) recognizes the importance of core facilities to contribute to an overall improvement in research infrastructure. Therefore the DFG supports the establishment of core facilities and joint use of technologies. In 2011 a new funding line Gerätezentren – Core facilities was initiated followed by calls launched in 2012 and 2015. MIAP, as joined network for scientific infrastructure and image analysis, has been successfully applying during the call in 2015. MIAP has received 150TEUR/ year funding for 3 years.