With this workshop we’d like to improve the basic knowledge in digital image processing using ImageJ / Fiji. In practical sessions the participants will perform tutorials like spot counting and co-localization analysis. Participants will get an introduction to the macro language of ImageJ with some tutorials and hands-on practical parts. Participants will also get some instructions on ethics and general rules in scientific image processing. The workshop includes an open session which gives the participants the chance to bring their own research data and discuss their analysis needs directly with the participants and our ImageJ expert to come to an appropriate solution. Therefore this workshop is equally suited for undergraduate students as well as Ph.D students and technicians with little background in image processing (ImageJ) with upcoming needs in image analysis.
The registration fee of 75 € covers lunch (finger food), refreshments and coffee & tea with some snacks and sweets for all three days of the workshop.
Please note: The 4th (October 2017) and additional 5th (November 2017) image analysis workshops are identical.
Further information and the preliminary program can be found here.
Online registration is closed.
Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP)
Life Imaging Center (LIC)
Center for Biological Systems Analysis (ZBSA)
Habsburgerstr. 49
79104 Freiburg
Dr. Stefan Helfrich (BIC, Konstanz University)
e-mail: stefan.helfrich@uni-konstanz.de
web: https://www.miap.eu
e-mail: info@miap.eu
A joint Network for scientific Imaging and Image Analysis Infrastructure
Phone: +49 761 203 2934
Email: info@miap.eu
Contact Form